**Purchase a fan cutout TODAY and Christian Wood will autograph your cutout to pick up at the end of the season! Pickups done at Toyota Center in Houston, Texas only.**
An official product from: Houston Rockets
チルドレンズメモリアルヘルマンが贈った個人的なロケットファンカットアウトで、今シーズンのヒューストンロケッツへの支持を示しましょう! 20-21レギュラーシーズン中のすべてのヒューストンロケッツホームゲームでトヨタセンターに参加してください!
プレミアムカットアウトオプションの購入($ 100)テレビカメラに面した最初の15列の座席を保証します。毎晩テレビで自分を見るのが最善の策です!
一般的なフルシーズン($ 50)私たちのアリーナの下のボウルに配置されます。カットアウトの写真とそれらが配置されている場所は、電子メールで送信され、 Rockets.comで表示されます。
- Get decked out in your favorite official Rockets gear
- Make sure your shirt or jersey doesn’t blend in with your background.
- If you wear glasses or a hat, make sure to avoid glares, flashbacks, and shadows.
- Find a light source and face it. Avoid putting your back to it to prevent backlighting.
- Make sure personal or private information is out of sight.
- Solid color backgrounds are best.
- Have someone take your photo or set a timer on your camera.
- Selfies don’t crop well.
- For best results, stand 3-4 feet from the camera and take it at eye level.
- Include some space around your head and shoulders and take the photo from the waist up.
- Take the photo in a vertical (portrait) format and submit the photo in the largest possible size.
- Don’t raise your arms above your shoulders. They will be cropped out.
Photo Submission Guidelines
- Offensive or inappropriate messaging/hand gestures will NOT be tolerated.
- One person per cutout. Holding a baby (1 year old or less) is permitted.
- No commercial advertising, including company names, apparel brands, hashtags, social media handles, phone numbers, logos, slogans, or other branding.
- No personal identification such as names, e-mail addresses, license plates, phone numbers, or street addresses.
- No names, likenesses, photographs, or other indicia identifying any person without permission.
- No political statements, logos, slogans, or other political content.
- No alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, or firearms/weapons can be seen in your photo.
- No offensive or negative references to any NBA team or NBA player will be tolerated.
The Houston Rockets reserve the right to reject any submission for poor quality or inappropriateness. Fans will be notified if their photo is rejected. All sales are final. If you have any questions, please check the FAQ section or email support@fancutouts.com and provide your order number if you have one.